Welcome to my no holds bared journey on the HCG diet! A little background about myself- I am a 24 year old female that as recently gone back to college for a BSN in nursing. I am 5'7 and on my very first day of HCG (loading) I weighed 181.4. On top of college I also work overnights on the weekends as a vet tech in the ICU of a veterinary teaching hospital. I have a background in medicine and a very busy life. I decided to try the HCG diet after a recommendation from my mother who had several clients who had great results on the diet. I did lots of research before deciding whether this is something I could legitimately take on. The diet is strict and from reading others blogs it became clear that there is not much if any room for changes or cheats. Here is the diet and the site I have been using for my HCG and information: http://www.healthremedies.com/dr_simeons_hcg_diet.html
My biggest advice to anyone trying this diet would be to get a cookbook or find a web site that offers recipes! I am not a cook, I live off campus, and live off of 100 calorie packs and lean cuisines. I am one of those people that keeps granola bars in my car because I typically run out of the house without eating. That being said, it is near impossible to eat out or eat pre-packed food on this diet. So my biggest challenges so far are: making time to cook 2 meals a day, saying no to eating out with my friends without them thinking there is something wrong with me. I have decided not to tell all my friends that I am on this diet, just the rest of the world on the internet! lol. I have a large group of friends and me go out every Monday for Monday night dinner. I don't want to skip dinner for three weeks but I also don't want to sit and stare longingly at everyone else's food. Last Monday I used as my first loading day, which worked out perfectly since someone picked ice cream and pizza for the night! The first two days are of course pretty easy-eat whatever you want! For me this meant forcing myself to drink soda and go against all the healthy eating habits I normally live by. I am a pretty health conscience person- mostly vegetarian and sometimes vegan. Dont get me wrong, I splurge but in general I watch what I eat. This is another reason I wanted to take on the HCG diet- no matter how close I watched my calories and tried to get exercise in I could never get below the 175 mark. I ideally would like to get to around 150 I feel like this would be a healthy weight for my height and based on when I was younger I feel like this was the weight I looked my best at.
i was just reading your day 1 ugh and tell me about the loading day i think this is the worst part of the diet i love eating some of the things i had today but not all at once ugh !!!! the reason i started this diet was cuz i cant get below 167 so i understand what you are going thur!!! good luck to you and keep up the good work!!!! i wish i could skip tomorrows loading day ! im ready to lose!