Saturday, March 26, 2011

Disappointment and temptation Days 5 and 6

   I was so excited that I lost -3 pounds! The next day I lost -0.6 I was thinking yay! everything they say about this diet is totally true! The first couple of days I struggled with some hunger and a lot of heartburn. I have a problem with acid reflux and distinguishing it from hunger, I am currently on Nexium and have added Famotidine since the acid was bugging me so much. The only thing that currently helps is the mineral water. Shock a diet that tells you to drink black coffee on an empty stomach and is full of tomatoes and onions may not be good for your acid reflux!

  I had my first day of temptation on Thursday-I was out with a few girlfriends trying on bridesmaids dresses, we are all in different upcoming weddings, after trying on some borderline hideous dresses they friends said hey lets all go get dinner. Luckily another friend of mine had offered to fix my car that day so I had an easy out. Friday the temptation to cheat was even worse because I was surrounded by food and people who eat anything they want. I work overnights at a veterinary hospital so there is always someone ordering pizza or cookies in the wee hours of the night-only in a college town would you have a place that delivers cookies and milk until 4am! There is also all the left over food that has been collected throughout the day in the various different departments. My coworker likes to go pilfering throughout the night and bring back all the goodies. I politely declined  the reduced fat wheat thins and prayed that she didn't pop the bag of popcorn she had found.
  I was very worried about working the overnight and how it would effect my eating. During the week I am a student so I am a normal sleep at night schedule. Friday I wake up in the morning, go to classes all day, attempt to nap if time prevents-barely ever works, and then go to work from midnight to 10:30am. I was a little unsure  about how to schedule my meals and if my energy would stay at the same level. I am typically up for 24 hours if not longer-which I realize is not healthy, and is probably part of my weight loss struggle. I decided to make the cut off between days at midnight.

  What I ate: When I woke up I through 3 100 gram portions of chicken in the Crockpot along with seasoning and celery to make chicken broth-I find that it is needed in almost every recipe and its so nice to get home from class and have chicken already cooked that I can transform into different things. I had a Melba toast and apple as I was driving to class. Even though its not a granola bar not much has changed in the way of my bad eating and driving habits. When I got home I pulled a potion of chicken out of the crock pot and through it over fresh baby spinach with some Bragg's Amino acid as dressing. This is the second time I have had this, it is turning into my in a pinch go to. I took the other portions of chicken and turned it into two serving of mexican soup which is currently my favorite meal but the only soup I have tried so far. I put these in containers for later use. My goal has been if I have time to cook to cook multiple servings so I have something to eat and am not tempted to deviate in a pinch. Around 10pm for dinner I was supper excited to make the Krabby Pattie recipe I found online. I threw some cabbage in the veggie steamer and pulled the crab I had recently thawed from the fridge. I am in the Midwest so fresh seafood is not as easy to come by as I was used to growing up in Florida. I got a can of fresh crab from the local butcher it was pricey but when I opened it is smelled amazing. I love crab so I was very excited about this recipe! After making it I was left a little disappointed-obviously one crushed up Melba toast is not enough to hold 100grams of crab together, this was to be expected, however I think I over seasoned it because when I sat down to eat it I couldn't even taste the crab anymore. I bagged up some strawberries and took them to work with me, I ate them around 1am which I know was technically the next day but helped keep me going the whole night.
  Around 5am I heated up my Mexican soup and had my Melba toast. The soup was my vegetable and protein portion, I had brought baked apples but never got around to eating them. I considered eating them when i got home but decided to go to bed instead.

   I weighed my self before going to bed and discovered that I had gained +1.2! How is this possible?! I have not cheated at all, I did not use any lotion even through my hands are red and raw from washing them constantly. I am left baffled and a little upset. My only thoughts are I am still wearing foundation-I have extremely sensitive skin and use an oil free foundation from Estee Lauder. I have used this the last two days and had weight loss so I am not convinced that the makeup is to blame. I know that bare minerals is an approved makeup but I have tried it in the past and gave me the worse cystic acne. My other thoughts maybe that I need to start calorie counting. I have been going by the protocol exactly but have not been adding up the calories and have maybe been a little lax on my servings of vegetables. Dr. Simeons protocol doesn't specify a amount of vegetables but I found a website that lists the calorie count for everything. As I started to write this I felt a little light headed and realized it was because I hadn't eaten in 12 hours. I had a Melba toast and a grape fruit-the Melba toast will be subtracted from dinner and the grapefruit can count as the fruit I never had with my previous meal. This is all counting in the same day so that should be allowable. One thing I am a little confused about is onions... are they counted as a vegetable? They are listed in a lot of recipes but not frequently counted so is it ok to mix them with other veggies?

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