Thursday, September 8, 2011


Very low calorie is in full swing! I had a dream last night about smearing chocolate cake on a melba toast...
Down -2.4 today! I had a feeling a good loss was coming, I sure peed enough yesterday! I had classes from 8am-noon yesterday and then a break until my test at 3:30, I would have liked to stay on campus and studied but I drove home to have lunch. That is my one problem I have with this diet, eating on the run is nearly impossible! I had an apple for breakfast, mini meatloaf for lunch, grilled chicken with a touch of balsamic vinaigrette, and 2 roasted roma tomatoes with basil, and a grapefruit . I had never thought of roasting the tomatoes before but they were delish and supper easy! Slice in half, top with garlic, salt, pepper, and fresh basil, pop in oven for 30 minutes at 400 and enjoy!

The bad news is today I woke up with a cold :( I am drinking a lot of tea and having grapefruit as my fruit, any suggestions on anything else I can do? I am afraid to take anything, I stop taking my vitamins during P2 so that probably isn't helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Love the before and after pics you look great!!!!! and congrats on the -2.4!!!! your doing great!! Keep it up!
