Friday, June 10, 2011

VLCD 19 Thats what I am talking about!

-2.8!! There is the true motivation I need to trudge on through this, only 2 more days of drops left! This is my lowest weight so far for this round so I am not feeling too bad about my little interruption. But I do have to admit that I didn't exactly follow protocol yesterday, I had a grapefruit for breakfast, a double serving a chicken for lunch with ketchup. When I got home from work I got a call to meet a boy I like out so I jumped in the shower and ran out the door with an apple pie Larabar (dates, apples, walnuts, and almonds) in hand. At the bar I had 2 rum and diets and called it dinner. Now I cant recommend this for everyone but every time I have rum and diet coke I almost always have a large loss the next day!

My birthday party is next Friday so I have to be in P3 for that, I will only be in my 3rd day of P3 for my birthday which is not the best because I know there will probably be some cheating!

1 comment:

  1. I've read a lot of people lose well when drinking. - Congrats on your loss for the day!
